Masters World Cup i Cogne avlyst
Postet av Masters Langrenn Norge den 25. Feb 2020
Anita Moen og Torjus Børsheim med munnbind på flyplassen i Beijing.
Dessverre gikk det som vi fryktet: Masters World Cup i Cogne i Italia nå i mars, er avlyst på grunn av korona-virus og smittefaren.
Her er brevet fra lederen i MWA, John Downing om Masters World Cup i Cogne:
Dear Ski Friends:
Due to the ongoing health and logistical situations both in Italy and now around the world in regards to the coronavirus COVID-19, the WMA Executive and the Cogne OC have sadly been forced to formally cancel the MWC2020.
I know from many notes this week that most of you will agree this decision is necessary and in the best interests of our skiers.
The Cogne OC will honor the agreed-upon terms of the 50% refund of entry fees back to skiers. How this will be done will be announced to all National Directors in the coming week.
However, as of tonight, the Cogne OC has encountered extreme opposition from local hotel ownership over the outright return of the 30% deposits on lodging packages. It is now apparent that the agreement the OC reached with WMA was not discussed or agreed to by hotel owners earlier this week.
Unfortunately, our WMA Contract with the MWC2020 O.C. does not contain any mention of extreme situations that force the cancellation of a MWC requiring return of the 30% lodging deposit. Further, the MWC2020 Terms and Conditions for all lodging that we have all booked in Cogne does not provide any exclusion or relief should the MWC2020 event itself be cancelled.
The WMA Executive is currently negotiating (via the Cogne OC) with the hotel owners on terms that could potentially preserve the full value of the 30% deposits as a credit applied to a future stay in Cogne.
As a National Director myself, I am just as responsible to USA skiers as all of you are to your skiers. So I am currently working with the help of Dieter to negotiate the best possible outcome with the hotel owners.
We will pass on word to all of you about the lodging deposits as fast as possible. However, please note that it may take several days to complete the negotiations.
In the meantime, should any nation have skiers that still wish to visit Cogne as a ski holiday in coming days — the reservations for MWC2020 will most certainly be honored by all hotels with a full credit of the 30% deposit on their room or apartment.
I will be in touch as soon as possible with more information.
Best regards
For et par dager siden publiserte vi følgende:
Masters Langrenn Norge har nettopp fått oppdatering fra lederen i MWA, John Downing angående Masters World Cup i Cogne og utbrudd av korona-virus i Italia.
Arrangøren (OC) samarbeider tett med helsemyndighetene, og det er ingen tilfeller av korona-utbrudd i området, men situasjonen følges tett, og vi vil bli informert fortløpende.
Men MWC planlegges gjennomført som opprinnelig tenkt ut fra dagens situasjon.
Så vi får håpe det hele stabiliserer seg til vi skal reise.
Eventuell ny informasjon vil bli publisert på vår Facebook-side og på hjemmesiden.
Flere norske og svenske skiprofiler har vært i Kina i de seinere åra får å bygge opp kinesisk langrennssport. Her i SKIMasters har vi fortalt om Ragnar Bragvin Andresen. Nå sist har det vært skrevet mye om Anita Moen som først ble isolert i Kina sammen med trener-kollega Torjus Børsheim. Nå er hun hjemme – og i selvvalgt isolat på hytta i Trysil.
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